Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Facts of Cocoa

Most of the people believes that chocolate containing cocoa is a non-nutritious food. But, the fact, research has shows otherwise. The study has found that a 1.5 oz. bar of milk chocolate supplies the following percentages of the US Recommended Daily Allowances: Calcium - 9%; Riboflavin - 9%; Protein - 6%; Iron - 3%; Vitamin A - 2.4%; Thiamine - 2%. Chocolate is nutritious.

A study conducted on 1.5 oz. bar of unsweetened or semi-sweet chocolate also shows that it contains only 1.5 mg of sodium, while a bar of milk chocolate contain only 40 mg, much less if compared to one cup of whole milk which contains 122 mg, while one slice of whole wheat bread (132 mg). The result has dismissed the claim that chocolate have high in sodium.

It's myth among the people that chocolate promotes tooth decay. A fact research has found otherwise, that one of the ingredients in cocoa powder, inhibits the activity of the enzyme that forms dental plaque. Therefore, chocolate does not promote tooth decay.

It's wrong to said that the caffeine in chocolate overstimulates children, causing them to become hyperactive, because a study shown that 1.5 oz milk chocolate bar contains only 9 mg of caffeine. The symptoms of caffeinism only shown after they consumes more than 50 bars.

Chocolate also does not aggravates acne and the cause of obesity in children. A numerous studies disprove any link between chocolate and acne. Neither is there a link between acne and diet. Research also shows that overweight children consume less sugar but eat more fats and protein.

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