Friday, July 31, 2009

The Principles of Ethical journalism

The principles of ethical journalism that are bound to uphold are (adapted from the Society of Professional Journal istsCode of Ethics).

The duty of the journalist is to further public enlightenment as the forerunner of justice and the foundation of democracy, by seeking truth and providing a fair and comprehensive account of events and issues. Conscientious journalists from all media and specialties strive to serve the public with thoroughness and honesty. Professional integrity is the cornerstone of a journalist’s credibility. Journalists should:-

1. Seek Truth and Report It – Journalists should be honest, fair

and courageous in gathering, reporting and interpreting information.

2. Minimize Harm – Ethical journalists treat sources, subjects and colleagues as human beings deserving of respect.

3. Act Independently – Journalists should be free of obligation to any interest other than the public’s right to know. [Advocacy journalists may of course intentionally and transparently adopt a non-objective viewpoint.]

4. Be Accountable – Journalists are accountable to their readers, listeners, viewers and each other.

Are all these ethical principlas are practising by our media?

Malaysians feel unsafe in the country

The majority of Malaysians who responded to a poll say that they feel unsafe in the country at the moment.

According to the Homes Ministry's website, 97% of 6,678 respondents to its poll said they did not feel safe due to the high crime rate.

More than half of the respondents formed this opinion because they or their family members were victims of crime while 36% of the respondents were influenced by news about crime.

Only 1% said they felt safe while the remaining percentage were uncertain.

The ministry’s website started a poll on Saturday to gauge the public’s views on the level of safety in the country and the Government’s performance in safe-guarding the people’s safety and security.

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Globalisasi merubah identiti bangsa

Proses globalisasi dan dunia tanpa sempadan tanpa disedari telah mengakis nilai dan identiti bangsa. Proses asimilasi dan migrasi telah turun menyumbangkan ke arah kelunturan nilai dan identiti sesuatu bangsa khususnya orang Melayu.

Kini satu persatu nilai, norma dan perilaku orang Melayu telah berubah. Ini dapat dilihat melalui cara berpakaian, tabiat pemakanan, cara pergaulan dan percakapan. Kini berapa ramai anak waris dari sub-etnik Melayu khasnya Jawa dan Banjar yang tahu bercakap dalam bahasa tersebut. Jangan ditanya akan adat dan makanan tradisi datuk nenek mereka.

Melalui pendedahan dan pergaulan dengan masyarakat luar sama ada secara langsung atau tidak langsung iaitu melalui media eletronik, cetak dan internet, ahli masyarakat terikut akan budaya yang dipaparkan oleh masyarkat lain.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009


A study, presented on Tuesday at the Annual Meeting of the U.S.Society for the Study of Ingestive Behaviour (SSIB) showed that weight loss programme could improve depressed mood and reduce risk factors for heart disease in obese patients.

The study revealed that after a six-month behavioral weight loss programme, the depressed patients lost eight percent of their initial weight and improvedsignificantly in their symptoms of depression. also revealed that there isa reduction in triglycerides, the risk factor for heart disease and stroke.

The report, cited by Xinhua news agency, reported that fifty-one depressedand non-depressed subjects were recruited into the study to follow a supervisedweight loss programme that included lifestyle modification and mealreplacements.

Both depressed and non-depressed subjects lost significant amounts ofweight, with depressed individuals losing eight percent of their initial bodyweight, compared with 11 percent loss by non-depressed individuals. After six months on the weight loss programme, depressed subjects also showedsignificant improvement of their depressive symptoms based on a questionnaire.

Additional significant improvements in glucose, insulin and high densitylipoprotein cholesterol were observed in both depressed and non-depressedsubjects, and depressed individuals showed reduced levels of triglycerides inthe blood, which have been linked to risk of heart disease and stroke.

"Depression and obesity are independently associated with increased risk of heart disease and stroke, and so reductions in both body weight and symptoms of depression are likely to improve long-term health outcomes," said Dr. Lucy Faulconbridge, of the University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine, who is alsolead author of the study, Xinhua said.

Faulconbridge said the latest findings suggested that depressed, obese individuals can indeed lose clinically significant amounts of weight, and that weight loss can actually reduce symptoms of depression. It also highlight the need for further research into the effects of weightloss in individuals suffering from psychiatric disorders.

Monday, July 27, 2009

Polis dan SPRM bukan untuk rakyat seperti saya - luahan seorang blogger

Polis dan SPRM bukan untuk rakyat seperti saya
SEBELUM saya mengambil keputusan untuk tidak lagi berjawatan dalam mana-mana parti politik dan pertubuhan bukan kerajaan yang berkecenderungan politik, saya seorang yang agak aktif juga.
Saya pernah menjadi Exco Angkatan Muda Keadilan Malaysia selama dua penggal, saya juga pernah menjadi Pengerusi GERAK Pahang dan Ahli Lembaga Pengarah GERAK Malaysia.
Sama ada ketika di dalam PKR mahupun GERAK, orang yang paling ghairah mahu “bersahabat” dengan saya adalah polis-polis dari Cawangan Khas.
Dalam setiap program yang saya anjurkan ketika itu, polis Cawangan Khas ini akan setia hadir bersama, walaupun tidak dijemput.
Dari seorang bertambah dua, dari dua menjadi tiga, sehinggalah paling ramai mencecah lima orang.
Anda bayangkan lima orang polis mengikut saya seorang. Mengenang keadaan ini dahulu, tentulah saya akan katakan kehidupan saya hari ini jauh lebih tenang.

Cerita selanjutnya baca di sini

Nilai Kemanusiaan Semakin Tipis

Apa sudah jadi dengan masyarakat kita pada hari ini? Di manakah hilangnya nilai kemanusiaan dalam diri ahli masyarakat. Dalam the Star 25 July 2009, dilaporkan bahawa terdapat ibubapa dihantar ke hospital untuk mendapatkan rawatan dan kemudiaannya anak-anak mereka enggan untuk mengambil mereka setelah pulih daripada sakit sehingga mereka itu dihantar ke rumah jagaan oleh pihak hospital.

Benarlah pepatah seorang ibu atau bapa boleh menjaga anak yang ramai, tetapi anak yang ramai tidak boleh menjaga seorang ibu atau bapa.
Mungkin jika kedapatan ibu atau bapa yang membuat kesilapan dalam kehidupan mereka pada masa lampau, tetapi tanggungjawab anak, khasnya orang Islam tetap wajib ditanggung ke atas ibubapa mereka. Ingatlah jika hubungan dengan manusia tidak baik, maka ia akan menjejaskan hubungan dengan Allah. Segala amalan akan tersekat dari naik ke langit.