To the Malay community, school holiday is the right time to hold "kenduri kahwin" because normally school holiday is the time wheres' parents will taking leave to joint with their schooling kids on their family programme. Many of relatives who are working outside the kampung also taking off from working to come back to kampung during this period.
Balik kampung is a tradition for many Malaysian, especially to the Malay, and it should be continue to go on. By doing this, it will expose our children to the live in kampung that we had experienced during our childhood. May be the surrounding nowadays is different from the years before, but at least they could learn something that they can't experience in town.
My son and daughther are like to go for fishing, go to the paddy field and enjoying playing water (bath) in the canal as I did during my time.
At least they know how difficult the life that their father had to face at their age.